Posts Tagged 'pub'

Hard Cider

It goes without saying that the British love their pubs. They don’t differ that much from American bars save for a few ways. A British pub has notoriously better food, its patrons are happy, and the hard cider flows from its tap like a golden, inebriating river.

Hard cider is a popular drink. Unfortunately, bars in America don’t offer it. Probably because it sounds like a bitch drink (which it isn’t over here). That’s too bad, because it (a) is delicious and (b) has more alcohol per volume than beer. And because it’s sweet, you justify drinking it with any meal. Lunch? Of course! Dinner? Yes! Breakfast? It’s juice! Desert? It’s sweet, isn’t it?

Here are some of the most popular brands offered at these fine establishments (I’ll add more as I discover them):

Scrumpy Jack

Scrumpy Jack



